Page 3 - April 2023 #180
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                                                                                      APRIL 2023
                                 24               SPECIAL FEATURES                    18  EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS

                                                                                         A multi-award-winning global fashion and lifestyle
                                                                                         conglomerate based in Dubai, UAE, Apparel Group today
                                                                                         has operations across the GCC.

                                                                                      20  LIVE A LIFE OF LUXURY
            Cover Story                                                    18            Aranyani invites customers to experience the soul of nature
                                                                                         and was inspired from the Vedic era of Bharat, whose rich
            Situated near Marble Arch in London, Frameless                               heritage represents the co-existence of luxury and art.
            presents award-winning galleries and showcases some
            of the world’s greatest works of art, presented on a                      22  SIMPLICITY & EXCLUSIVITY
            scale and in ways never seen before.                                         The mission of Etincelle Collection is to show guests a new
                                                                                         way of life in the mountains through their premium resorts
                                                                                         that offer a guarantee of snow and entertainment.
                             Foreword                                                 26  EMBODYING CONTEMPORARY LIFESTYLE
                                                                           20            continues to grow globally and today represents one of the
                                                                                         Founded in Hong Kong in 1981, Giordano International
            Another month has flown by in the RLI office as we bring                     world’s leading international retailers.
            you our April issue. This one has a raft of news, views and
            interviews you won’t want to miss, along with Special Features            28  GOING AGAINST THE GRAIN
            on International Outlets and Part One of our AR & VR special,                The founders of BrewDog have started a revolution that
            plus a Voyager on the emergence of Africa as a major player                  has continued to the present day, as the brand continues to
            in the retail property market, you have plenty to keep you                   shake up the industry.
            occupied until our May issue lands in a few weeks.
            Till next time…                                                           38  SPECIAL FEATURE - INTERNATIONAL OUTLETS
                                                                          22             The outlet sector has come into its own in recent years and
               James Quinn, Editor                                                       Continuing to Evolve

                             Publisher’s                                                 has come out the other side of the pandemic in a strong
                                                                                         position after demonstrating tremendous resilience. Here,
                             Comment                                                     RLI take a closer look at some stand-out schemes.
                                                                                      48  SPECIAL FEATURE - AR & VR - PART ONE
                                                                                         Welcome to a New Reality
            I am finally back on English soil after a whirlwind few weeks
            of travel to the Middle East, it’s always great to catch up with             Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are
            friends and industry colleagues and I am looking forward                     not new concepts in the modern world, however the
            to following up on conversations and collaborations as we                    application of these concepts in the realm of retail deserves
            plan ahead for our dedicated MENA events in Riyadh later
            this year. Meanwhile April may be known as the month of        26            closer inspection.
            showers here in the UK, but RLI are here to make your
            month big, bright and sunshine-filled with our latest issue.              50  VOYAGER - AFRICA
            This month’s Cover Story immerses us into a world of Art
            by redefining experiential, Richard Relton, CEO of Frameless                 An Emerging Powerhouse
            takes us on a journey through this stunning 30,000sq ft venue                The retail property sector in Africa has seen a flurry of
            which features award-winning galleries and showcases some
            of the world’s greatest works of art.                                        activity in recent years and moving forward this looks set to
            Lead  interviews  this  month  include  multi-award-winning                  continue. Here, RLI showcases a selection of retail schemes
            global fashion and lifestyle retail conglomerate, Apparel Group,   REGULARS  across the continent.
            based in Dubai, UAE. With 2025+ retail stores and 80+ brands
            across all platforms we take a look at how the company has
            evolved to become a world-class leader. Our next lead takes   04       32
            us to a ‘Life of Luxury’, with Aranyani, an exquisite handbag   RLI MEETS - DREW GREEN  LEISURE INSIGHT - SAM MARTIN
            brand which infuses rich heritage with art; we take a look at
            how the soul of nature has inspired this luxury brand. We also
            feature Global Apparel brand Giordano as Giordano Middle   06  UK NEWS  33  FIT-OUT GALLERY
            East celebrates 30 years of operations, with 275 stores now
            across the region. Our final retail lead this month takes us
            on a beer revolution with the innovative brand BrewDog   08  INTERNATIONAL NEWS  34  DESIGN GALLERY
            and an insight into how they continue to drive growth and
            innovation. Simplicity & Exclusivity is the mission of our hotel
            lead this month, as the Etincelle Collection shows guests a   10  AMERICAS NEWS  36  INTERNATIONAL OUTLETS - EXPERT OPINION
            new way of life in the mountains.
            This year’s Global RLI Awards nominations are now in the
            hands of our esteemed panel of Judges and the shortlist will   12      54
            be in next month’s issue so stay tuned.   MIDDLE EAST NEWS                 EVENT PREVIEW - MAPIC ITALY
            RLI would like to wish all our friends and colleagues around
            the world a blessed month of peace, health and prosperity.
            Wishing you sunshine and good times as Easter approaches,   14  ASIA NEWS  56  EVENT REVIEW - MIPIM
            I hope it’s an eggstra bright and happy one with lots of fun!
            Until next month…                     30                               58
               Jayne Rafter, Publisher                RETAIL INSIGHT - JORGE BEROIZ    EVENTS PAGE

                           © Paramount Publications Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or me-
                           chanical, without the consent of the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, the publishers do not accept liability for error,
                           printing or otherwise, appearing within this publication. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher.
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