Page 9 - February 2022
P. 9

international     news                                                         inbrief


        FOR TOPKAPI 29                                                         PRIMARK EYES NEW MARKET
                                                                               International  retailer Primark  has  announced
                                                                               the  opening  of  its  first  store  in  Romania  as
        The concept of the mixed-use development                               part of an expansion bid in Central and Eastern
        at Topkapı,  a  site  of  historical  significance                     Europe. The new store will  start operations
        in Istanbul, has just been unveiled to the                             towards the end of this year and be located at
        Turkish market.                                                        the ParkLake Shopping Centre that is owned
          Set in a superb location to the west of                              by Sonae Sierra.
        central Istanbul with direct access to the
        major  E5  highway,  Topkapı  29  will  have
        further  transportation  links  to  the  west                          RETAILER EXPANDS TO ONLINE
        with a new metro station.                                              Global intimate specialty retailer Victoria’s Secret
          A two-level retail street provides active                            has expanded its presence in Australia with the
        frontage  to  the  south  of  the  project and                         launch  of  an  e-commerce  beauty  store.  The
        wraps around  the central residential                                  online store houses a range of products including
        community.  By  making  use  of  the  level                            fragrances, beauty and body care lines, accessories,
        changes the retail street creates two ground                           pyjamas and the Pink Beauty collection.
        levels  sinuously  flowing  from  the  Metro
        Plaza in the west to the Lifestyle Centre in
        the east.                                                              WELLNESS BRAND TO EXPAND
                                                                               Health and wellness retailer Holland & Barrett
                                                                               is to  expand  into  Greece, Romania  and
        TORG INTERNATIONAL AND RIOJA                                           Bulgaria  as  part of its omni-channel strategy.
        ESTATES PARTNER UP FOR PROJECTS                                        The expansion  will  be achieved  through  a
                                                                               partnership with Fourlis Group which is aiming
                                                                               to open 120 stores in the countries over time.
        TORG  International has partnered with   Northern England, and  is projected  to
        leading UK outlet developer Rioja Estates   attract  3.5 million  visitors  annually. A  lack
        for the development of two new outlets in   of retail competition in the immediate area   ACTION OPEN 2,000TH STORE
        Sweden and the UK, Malmo Designer Village   means  that Grantham Designer Outlet   Dutch non-food discounter Action has reached
        and Grantham Designer Outlet Village. Both   Village  will  achieve  significantly  greater   an enormous  milestone with the opening of
        schemes  have  already  secured  planning   penetration of its catchment than the UK   its 2,000th store in Prague. Further expansion,
        consent, with Grantham being under   outlet industry average  of three per cent,   to a tenth country, is coming soon. It is not a
        construction and the opening scheduled for   namely for Phase One 7.7 per cent and for   bad rate of expansion for a company that was
        Autumn 2023. The Malmo outlet is expected   Phase Two 8.5 per cent.    founded just under thirty years ago and opened
        to open in Summer 2025.              Says Robert van den Heuvel, Partner   its first store in Enkhuizen, Netherlands in 1993.
          Conveniently  located  in close  proximity   Development & Leasing TORG International:
        to  the  Danish  border,  Malmo  Designer   “It was at MAPIC 2021 that we established
        Village benefits from a significant catchment   this new collaboration with Giles Membrey   PEEK & CLOPPENBURG GROWS
        area. The scheme is expected to rank in   and  his team at Rioja Estates, whom we   Peek & Cloppenburg Düsseldorf is celebrating
        the  top  25  per  cent  of  outlet  centres  in   have known for many years.  We were   its return to  Belgium after  years  of  absence.
        Europe in terms of traffic and is predicted   impressed by the quality of their two latest   The multi-brand fashion house will move to the
        to generate above-average sales density.  developments in Sweden and the UK and   new Westland Shopping Center in Anderlecht
          Grantham Designer  Outlet  Village is   are therefore delighted to be able to share   in autumn. The new store is to be one of the
        located on the country’s third most travelled   our enthusiasm with the tenant community   cornerstones of the new retail project and have
        motorway, the A1 connecting London with   and industry at large.”      a sales area of over 4,000sq m.

                                                                             COIMA ACQUIRES
                                                                             EATALY BUILDING

                                                                              COIMA SGR, a leader in the management of
                                                                              real estate assets for institutional investors, has
                                                                              purchased a retail building in Piazza XXV Aprile
                                                                              in Milan for €60M from Eataly Real Estate S.r.l..
                                                                               Subsequently, COIMA has  signed  a  21-year
                                                                              lease agreement with Eataly S.p.A. for the retail
                                                                              spaces of the building, which will see the popular
                                                                              gourmet shopping and dining concept continue
                                                                              to  serve  eager  customers  in Porta  Nuova  as
                                                                              part of the neighbourhood’s expanding retail and
                                                                              hospitality offering.

                                                                       FEBRUARY 2022 RETAIL & LEISURE INTERNATIONAL 09
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