The brand new virtual reality gaming attraction allows players to partake in 13 games that each provide different challenges.
Arena Games will host a number of experiences for players 12 years and older, allowing them to immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality gaming. With everything on offer from surviving a zombie attack to becoming a super-assassin, there’s something on offer for everyone. There are also a number of games available for younger players including an interactive Fruit Ninja interactive experience.
Up to eight players can take part in any of the interactive experiences and there’s options to play both as a team or against your friends.
Doran Davies, Chief Executive of Arena Games, commented: “Arena Games is the future of gaming entertainment. We understand that the experience has be physical as well as virtual. People have to feel that they are fully immersed in the game. At Arena Games, we get your heart racing, your friends become allies or rivals, and you become the hero of a limitless world. This is cutting-edge gaming, hair-raising stuff.”