Customers of all athletic abilities will be able to shop for everything from running shoes to stylish athleisure at Mall of the Emirates’ Sun & Sand Sports outlet.
The brand has announced the reopening of its Mall of the Emirates store, extending their #FunToTheFinish concept that sport is all about fun and not just winning.
Spanning 2,296sq m, the store is located adjacent to Ski Dubai, an iconic attraction that echoes the sense of freedom offered by the Sun and Sand’s ethos of ultra-accessible fitness and fun, the company said. Customers of all athletic abilities will be able to shop for everything from running shoes to stylish athleisure – including e-kiosks and digital displays allowing customers to directly compare two different styles, it said.
“Sun & Sand Sports has always been redefining the conversation of encouraging sports and fitness to pursue your happiest self,” Mohamed Bodiat, Senior Vice President Brands – Sports at GMG, said. “With our new and improved Mall of the Emirates store, we are continuing to inspire everyone to enjoy sports and fitness on their own terms, bringing back the enjoyment of sport in day-to-day life,” he said.
Beyond clothing, Sun & Sand Sports also provides athletic equipment for home gyms, weight training, swimming, yoga and much more.